Contact Us

If you still have questions, check our FAQ first, and then reach us any of the ways below.


26555 Northwestern Highway,

Suite 301

Southfield, MI 48033

Phone Number


Fax: 313.749.0990

Send Us a Message

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Frequently Asked Questions

Let us answer your most burning questions.  If you still have questions we haven’t answered below, please don’t hesitate to contact us through the form above!

I'm a dealer, how do I get The Digital Deal?

All dealers should contact their Dealer Service Provider account specialist and confirm they have the software necessary to connect. We are currently integrated with Reynolds & Reynolds and CDK, with more DSPs being added soon.

Do I have to email or fedex my funding package to the Lender?

No!  You can send your funding package electronically right to the Lender from within your DMS!

What is your connection to RouteOne?

We have an integration connected to the existing RouteOne lender base through our business alliance with RouteOne.

Do I have to leave my DMS for any part of The Digital Deal?

No! Every step of The DD is embedded directly into your DMS that you work in every day.

Can I only sign the Contract electronically?

No! Your system can be set up so any documents the Lender accepts with electronic signatures can be signed in addition to the Contract.

What is your connection to Open Dealer Exchange?

Open Dealer Exchange is our parent company.  Under the Open Dealer Exchange umbrella is 700Credit, Deal Exchange, and PEN.